Custom Fabrication
We like to say, if its fabricated from metal whether its a complex system, test stand, oilfield tools, or cotton...
Launchers and Receivers (Pig traps)
Pig launchers are essentially vessels used for launching of a pipe pig or a pig tool into the pipeline for...
Steel Skids
Having fabricated thousands of skids over the past thirty five years, we have the expertize to fabricate your skid to...
Oil Field Equipment
We have fabricated all types of oil field equipment such as oil and gas separators, production gas units, heater treaters,...
Pressure Vessel
Pressure vessels are available in multiple configurations whether for high or low pressure, cooling or heating, or secondary confinement, in...
Meter & Prover Systems
For exacting measurement, PWC Industries builds complex liquid and gas metering and proving (meter & provers) systems for the petroleum,...