ASME Single Mark American Welding Society Logo National Association of Corrosion Engineers Logo ISN Contractor Safety Management


TimTim Bowen
CEO and Operations Manager
Responsible for overall management of the company.  Mr. Bowen has over thirty five years in fabrication, engineering and quality control.  Mr. Bowen holds the following certificates:
American Welding Society – CWI Certificate # 92111391
NACE International – Certified Level 3 Certicate # 1413


RobinRobin Bowen
Mrs. Bowen is also responsible for the overall management of the company.  Mrs. Bowen has over thirty five years in fabrication, safety, purchasing, engineering and quality control.



CherylCheryl Darden
Mrs. Darden is responsible for all financial matters relating to the operation of the company and running the office.  Mrs. Darden has over thirty five years in financial operations.



TimmyTimmy Bowen
Quality Control Manager
Mr. Bowen is primarilly responsible for the quality control department.  Ensuring that all projects meet high quality standards.  Mr. Bowen has over twelve years in fabrication, engineering, shop production and quality control. Mr. Bowen holds the following certificate:
American Welding Society – CWI Certificate # 11091851